Monday, 3 February 2014

Does a surplus matter?

The following is taken from the National Party website. They are talking about the virtues of running a goverment surplus. Often politicians will make claims with little or no justification, so I invite you to give me an explanation: tell me why the underlined statements are true and necessarily follow from running a surplus. Or, if you don't agree, explain why you think they've got it wrong. 

Thanks in advance!

Why a surplus matters
Operating in surplus is important for our future.  It will help us keep interest rates lower for longer, which is the single biggest cost to most households, and it helps take the pressure off our exchange rate, which is good for our exporters.Getting our books in order means we will owe less to overseas lenders, which will help ensure our economy is stronger and in a better position to handle future economic shocks.  This is important because the global economic outlook remains uncertain.Operating in surplus also means we can invest in other areas that matter to Kiwi families.